Hello All:
I am looking for an easy workable Newsletter template. Our company is looking to start a newsletter. I have never done this before, so any help you can provide would be appreciated. Thanks!
Submitted by: Anonymous
Microsoft Office Template Gallery
Jodi Lopez on
7/28/2008 12:23:13 PM
I use Publisher to do our employee newsletter. I had never done a newsletter before I started at my current position and have found the Publisher program to be user friendly plus there are many formats from which to choose. I also use the Publisher program for calendars that I need to distribute for various occasions, i.e., on-call, events, etc. I would recommend investing in this software.
Marie Austin on
7/28/2008 12:09:01 PM
I use Microsoft publisher for ours. Also, I found a website that has tips on writing newsletters. It's www.companynewsletters.com. I didn't use them to print ours, but I did get some useful tips from them.
LMR on
7/28/2008 12:07:05 PM
Easiest suggestion is to use one from Publisher's sample files or from the Microsoft website (http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/results.aspx?qu=newsletter&av=TPL000) Hope this helps.
Susan Donovan on
7/28/2008 11:53:37 AM
If you work on Windows XP, in Word open a "new" document and there are about 16 different newsletter templates you can choose from.
Carol Green on
7/28/2008 11:51:22 AM
If you go to Microsoft.com there are many template samples you can download.
Anonymous on
7/24/2008 6:34:28 PM