The IAAP is a great organization for Administrative Professionals. Your city should have a local chapter. I belong to the Charlotte, NC chapter and we have about 40 members, meet once a month and have dinner and a guest speaker such as a representative from Avery Labels. She spoke about the new label styles coming out and asked us for feedback on what our needs are. I think you will find the IAAP very well organized - each Chapter elects a President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. You will be able to network and make some great contacts.
Anonymous on
8/26/2008 1:37:19 PM
You could try your local Chamber of Commerce. If they don't have a
group already they would probably help you start one.
Anonymous on
8/26/2008 1:36:19 PM
Hi Tabitha,
There is also the ABWA, the American Business Women's Association. They offer informative community programs, a chance to develop skills as well as networking with a diverse group of professionals.
Teresa Turner on
8/21/2008 5:24:51 AM
If you haven't already heard from someone else, the International Association of Administrative Professionals IAAP is an excellent place to learn and network. There is a local downtown Denver chapter. Here is the information. If the paste does not show up well, go to and click on the link for chapter locater. Click on your state and then the chapter. There are several in Colorado. Two in Denver.
Chapter Details
City, State/Province: Denver, CO
Division Name: CO-WY-MT Division
Chapter Name: Denver Downtown, # 321150
Chapter President: Elizabeth Harms, CAP
Annual Dues
Professional Student
International: $58.00 $24.00
Division: $9.00 $5.00
Chapter: $24.00 $12.00
Total: $91.00 $41.00
Annual dues do not include a one time processing fee of $15.00 for Professional membership.
Chapter Web site:
Division Web site:
Vicki Hahn CAP
P.S. CAP stands for Certified Administrative Professional. You can find out more about this and the other certification Certified Professional Secretary at the website as well.
Victoria Hahn on
8/14/2008 8:40:47 AM
Barbara said it better than I could have. I wasn't a joiner, but after being dragged into IAAP kicking and screaming in 1996, I am thankful. Since then, I went from Chapter Board of Directors to Division Board of Directors (ended my presidency June 30, 2008). I've made longer lasting friendships through IAAP than on a personal basis and I can email anywhere in the world and get assistance as well as suggestions to make my professional life more palatable. International Convention was held in Denver last year. You would have loved it. So, contact the Denver chapters and attend meetings. You'll be glad you did.
AlVerta Harty on
8/13/2008 1:31:38 PM
I am a member of an online admin group, The Admin Pro Forum: It's been very informative and helpful for learning from other admins.
Sam on
8/13/2008 12:21:58 PM
I'm in the Cincinnati area and one of the local Chambers of Commerce (NKY) started a group. If your local Chamber doesn't currently have one, they might be interested in starting one.
Liza Rothe on
8/13/2008 12:19:17 PM
Yes, IAAP has a national and local chapters. If there isn't a local chapter in your area, you may contact them for info on how to start one. There must be 15 members, I believe, to start a chapter.
My only concern with IAAP is their national conferences are quite expensive (registration alone around $1800-$2000) as well as some of their membership fees.
Anonymous on
8/13/2008 11:38:54 AM
I would love to know what you find out. I work in the North Denver area and would be interested in finding a networking group as well. Ginger
G on
8/13/2008 10:23:09 AM
Check IAAP at
Sandy W on
8/12/2008 11:35:04 AM