Somehow I have molded into coordinating corporate events. This consists of having an event once a month for approximately 100 employees. In the past months I have coordinated a blood drive, chili contest, root beer float, cookout, St. Patrick's potluck, halloween contest, Most improved office/cubicle, Secret Santa. This is a fun part of my job but I'm running out of ideas. Does anyone have any suggestions. Thank you.
Submitted by: Ms. Mary
Pot Lucks are always fun and cost effective! In an effort to give back to our local community where our business resides, we have organized our department happy hours and pot lucks but have asked for donations from the attendees to support a local charity. We organized a salad bar potluck and an ice cream potluck where everyone brought their favorite fixings. We asked for socks and shoe laces and donated them to a local charity (which donated these items to children). We also collected school supplies for another local charity. In the future we are planning on collecting old or new luggage or tote bags and donating them to a local foster care program (since most of these children use garbage bags when traveling between homes). The attendees seem to really enjoy this and it's a creative way to give back to the local communities where your business resides.
San Francisco on
9/16/2008 12:29:26 PM
Sounds like you do a good job with this.
Here is what I have done in the past. Send out an email asking all staff to contribute their thoughts or new ideas for a new event. With all the feedback you may have to repeat an event but that is okay, a repeat event is easier. This a good way to get some help from others and weed out staff that have experience in event planning and getting to know new outside resources. Inside networking always works for those special discounts, free service charges and free estimates while getting to know others with the same great talents as well as yours.
Lue Gallegos on
9/3/2008 9:00:14 PM
I have been awarded the title of "Chief Fun Officer" for my organization as part of my Executive Assistant responsibilities. I plan some mini-activites each month for staff to opt-in or opt-out and self-pay including a Ladies Night Fondue Party, Glo Bowling, and annual health conference. You may want to move to that type of activity if monthly schedule is necessary. The larger all-staff events should be quarterly - picnic, holiday party, costume ball, ice cream social, etc. I've done an Oktoberfest with rootbeer and brauts which was a HUGE success - that might be fun for your group, too! Kim in St Pete
Kim Fritz on
9/2/2008 12:44:28 PM
How about an ice cream social (make your own sundaes) or an old time board game afternoon with a pizza lunch-
wendy67 on
8/22/2008 11:44:22 AM
You can also have a "company picnic" one Saturday every 3 months or a bowling night.
Patricia Donnellan on
8/22/2008 10:43:29 AM
How about a trivia quiz (like a pub quiz), casino (using fake money), or scavenger hunt?
Sam on
8/20/2008 9:33:52 AM
This is a strange name for a website with some great ideas. Put yourself on the newsletter list and you will have more ideas than you can handle.
Building on what someone else has already mentioned committees are the way to go.
I really enjoy working with different people from different departments otherwise I might never make a connection with those employees. Everyone is happy to be on my committees when we include a luncheon at the begining of the planning and at the wrap up about one week after the event. I emphasize positive attitudes and customer services skills for the committee members at our events. Put the complainers on your committee and they can manage the details of the servicesportion of the event they don't like. There is an amazing change in attitude when you do that...have fun. Aileen
Aileen Edenholm Hopper on
8/20/2008 7:08:06 AM
We have held several events in our office that benefit everyone including the company. Every year we have a "Health Fare" sponsored by a committe of people. They bring together various businesses from around the community. Last year we had a massage company, chiropractic services, etc. We also offer "CPR/1st Aid Training" - the employees who sign up are asked to respond to an emergency (in office and voluntary of course) until the paramedics or other emergency response team can arrive. We have had "Career Day" that exposes our employees to various types of departments/jobs throughout our organization. Each department-head presented for 20 minutes each and everyone could rotate to learn more about each job function. Hope this helps. Thanks.
Jeannine Dabbs on
8/19/2008 8:46:18 AM
It sounds like you have come up with lots of ideas. But honestly, too much of a good thing can spend its purpose. I wonder if the special events would be more special if they were less frequent? You surely have been put to the task!
Here are some other ideas: Have a contest to generate more ideas, a special outing to a nearby park/zoo, more charitable benefits, ice cream sundaes, popsicles...
How about a Pass It Forward event? Employees pass forward kindnesses.
Let us know what ideas are generated!
Good luck!
Anonymous on
8/19/2008 7:23:51 AM