At the last Board meeting, it was voted that a change be made to the previous meeting minutes. How do I note this amendment? Do I just list it as an item on the current minutes with changes?
I have a new answer to this question as I just attended the "Minute Taking Made Easy" workshop on Oct. 8 in Washington, DC and this question was answered. My previous response to your question was somewhat correct. In the current minutes you shoudl note what the changes are to the previous minutes, listing or noting very specifically what is asked to be changed in the previous minutes then they are accepted with the noted changes. You should then go back to those prior minutes to be corrected and make the corrections/changes using redlining/tracking so the changes can be seen and that is how they are printed, showing the changes and deletions, etc. It is important to keep the original content as well as the new revisions.
Anonymous on
10/9/2008 12:48:56 PM
In the current month's minutes, I use the phrase "(month) minutes approved as amended".
Mary D'Agostaro on
9/18/2008 12:06:08 PM
When I take minutes at a meeting and there is an addendum I state the change on the next meeting minutes to keep everyone informed as to what went on at the last meeting. If it is an addendum that is an action item for someone I would send them an e-mail.
Anonymous on
8/27/2008 11:09:38 AM
It's also handy to have a copy of Robert's Rules or you can access their website at
Jeanne Ewert on
8/26/2008 6:42:44 PM
Hi Diane, I would have to agree with Jason also, to show what changes were made to the minutes before they were amended. Depending on how extensive the changes were, I've even attached a copy of the previous meeting's incorrect minutes for the next meeting for reference for those members who may not have been present.
Sandra Clair-Ball on
8/26/2008 12:49:28 PM
I would do what Rita suggested. In the current minutes I would note the amendment:
Agenda item: Approval of January 9 meeting minutes
One correction: Joe Bloggs was present at the meeting and participated by phone.
Motioned/Seconded/Passed to approve minutes as corrected from the January 9 meeting.
I would then correct the January 9 meeting minutes.
Sam on
8/26/2008 12:41:23 PM
Hi Diane: I agree with Jason. I note the amendment on the current minutes.
SWW on
8/26/2008 12:36:38 PM
Hi Diane,
I would suggest that you comparatively adjust the minutes section stating something to the effect: "Agenda Item 2. Review and Approval of Minutes from meeting (date) The Board approved the minutes of meeting dated X with the following amendments: (in bullets) under section 5 - Financial Projects to alter the language from "the committee reported no significant changes to the approved budget", to "the committee reported there were minor changes to include a decline in project funding by X dollars." Minutes, I think are one of the most challenging components of our work - and I do believe that it is responsible to show changes that are not revisionist in nature, but material alterations of content. I believe it is very important to illustrate what was changed from and to.
Jaisend on
8/26/2008 12:09:28 PM
if you are just trying to reflect that the vote was made to accept the minutes with changes, this is what I normally use for our Board of Directors:
VOTED: to approve the minutes of August 26, 2008 as amended.
Once you put them in your corporate book, it will be those amended minutes as the record anyhow.
Alexa McGrath on
8/26/2008 12:09:21 PM
I will note in the current minutes that an amendment was made to the previous minutes.
Patricia Donnellan on
8/26/2008 12:05:53 PM
I take minutes for our company's audit and finance committee. When a change has been made to a previous meeting's minutes, I note the change in the current minutes and in the vote section also note the minutes are approved with the noted changes. Then I make the change in the previous minutes because until they are approved, they are still in draft. Therefore, after I make the requested change, I then remove "draft" and they become final.
Hope this helps.
Anonymous on
8/26/2008 10:22:04 AM