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Facilities Usage Guidelines

I'm an EA to the president of a private university. We have recently renovated our student center, and we now have a very nice, large multipurpose room (sort of a ballroom). I've been charged with coming up with usage guidelines for this facility and I wondered if any of your members (especially those in higher education) might have guidelines or policies for use of a facility such as this that they'd be willing to share. Specifically, I'm interested to know whether they allow "outside" groups to use the space, or if it's designated entirely to official university use; what - if anything - they charge to use the facility; how they handle scheduling/setup/cleanup responsibilities and costs, etc. Thanks!!

Submitted by: Anonymous


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Here are our guidelines for reserving space on our 1500-student campus: Hope this is helpful! Laura Warren, Swarthmore College Anonymous on 9/30/2008 12:42:26 PM
Good afternoon, I work at a large educational institution in the housing department, so to have responsibilities of two spaces isn't too difficult. Both spaces are used for meetings but before the larger space was used for events, parties, social gatherings, etc. Since I work in housing the housekeeping staff took care of cleaning after all events; I would schedule all events and place them on my Outlook calendar, print it off and place it on the door for others who might be in need of wanting to reserve; we stop letting outside groups reserve the space. Now we only allow university organizations and departments and they are not charged for their use. If there are damages or room was trashed the department or organization will be billed. If they would like a particular setup they would have to do it themselves. But be sure to create a form that will indicate all contact information, address, phone and cell #, payment method, etc. I could fax you a sample of what we use to use for guidelines, let me know. Don't worry you will do fine!! Faye Lattimore on 9/25/2008 1:16:05 PM
Hi, I have some background on this very subject. I work for a large community college and for outside use we have a Conference & Events department that takes care of rental and set up etc. However, if you have an event on campus and want to have it in a room on campus then the person in charge does all the coordinating. I recently had an event on campus in our largest room for a multi chamber event where we hosted 22 area chamber of commerce. We were highlighting what our college could provide for the chambers and their member business which over 450 attended. I want to send you the web site of our conference and events dept. so you can see what they provide plus what they need in order to have an event without problems shall we say. That web site is . They have prices of rental of rooms for regular and not for profit, technical help, and support staff. They require insurance policy and they are detailed as far as catering (we have a catering department) liquor restrictions etc. We also according to the room have normal set up forms u shape, classroom, and if your event is different you draw on the set up form how you want it set up. You will also see a checklist on this web page on how to put on an event. Oh and to add to the outside events a contract is signed I believe. When I had my recent event – I reserved the room (online scheduler) met with operations for set up of room (table arrangement) continual clean-up. I met with events technician to have music and speaker set up to main system. Equipment rental was from our library (podium, DVD players with TV, laptop computers, easels, extension cords, strips of electrical plugs) Signs were from our signs department (banners door and easel signs around college with room information) Electrical signs outside on street were requests for our public information area. But to hang the banner I needed our carpenters to hang. My department has just moved off campus and we are in an office suite and have our own classroom and conference rooms but we can only have small events up to 60 people. So we have started the rental process – pricing and advertising but so far very few have rented it. Good luck if you have any further questions I am an email away. Anonymous on 9/25/2008 11:36:43 AM
Have you thought of contacting student unions at other universities. I know that our student union has such policies - I just don't have access to them or I'd forward them to you. I expect that university staff would be happy to share with you if you asked. Anonymous on 9/25/2008 11:06:08 AM
I am an EA and work in K-12 public education, but we do have a facility use policy and related procedures which outline how "outside" groups can qualify to use our space and what they are charged to use it. If you'd like copies, please send your e-mail address and I'd be happy to send them as an e-mail attachment. My e-mail is: rwalton on 9/17/2008 12:18:17 PM

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