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Virtual Training for CPS/CAP Certification

I have been visiting with a colleague, a fellow CAP to determine whether there is a need/interest in participation in an online preparation course for CPS/CAP certification. We still need to figure out how to present it, market it and price it. My thinking is this would be available as a group of webinars and set up so that it can be available 24-7 so that it is available for use by administrative professionals everywhere. I am interested in hearing your feedback and what you think the value of something like this would be. If you are interested please answer a brief survey below: For each of the three parts of the CPS the most important learning need for me are? For the CAP the most important learning need for me is? I would be interested in subscribing and paying for: A - an entire program associated with certification B - specific curriculum associated with certain sections related to certification. Feel free to provide a list, i.e., mathematical calculations, filing protocols, critical thinking skills, management styles, etc. A fair price for online certification would be?

Submitted by: Victoria Hahn


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The CPS and CAP exam should be offered and priced seperate. There are some who already have the CPS and only want to sit for the CAP exam. Also, some people may only want to take the CPS. Please consider this before you set up the site. If the lady in the prior message felt a fair price is $500 then perhaps you could price the CPS at $350 the CAP at $150 and both for $500. Thank you for all your effforts in setting up this site for us. Michele Beck on 10/28/2009 1:33:21 PM
Virtural Training is here! Virginia Tech now offers the CPS/CAP Review Courses online. Please visit our website at: Kathy Ely on 3/20/2009 12:18:49 PM
I this this would be great especially for the admin/executive who has been out of the classroom for a long time. Debbie Williams on 9/30/2008 6:21:43 AM
Hi, after joing AEAP and IAAP, I found out about the CPS and CAP certifications and I would be very interested if there was a way that I could go online to get some training to help me in getting my certification for both. That would be beneficial and save some time because for many of us trying to go around and buying everything separately is costly and time consuming. And for someone like me who is going back to school to get her degree in Business Administration, having an online course would be a better way to work on this at my own pace. As far as a saying what a fair price, I was thinking around $285.00 per student. Stacie Osbourne on 9/29/2008 2:06:18 PM
Hi! I am taking the certification in May 2009 and I'm trying to gather as much material as possible to begin my studies. I think a comprehensive course geared directly toward the 2 exams would be wonderful! Would I be willing to pay? Certainly! So far I have spent enough money on books, CD's and online classes and it would be great to have everything in one place, on one site. I think a fair price that I would pay would be $500, as once all is said and done, it is probably what I am paying anyways for the materials! LOVE the idea! Good luck, and let me know if you accomplish your task before May! Kathy J. on 9/29/2008 12:56:45 PM

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