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Powerpoint 2007 - How to reapply slide layout simply

Hello Everyone: Does anyone have any suggestions on the simplest way to reapply the slide layout in Powerpoint 2007. We keep encountering problems where the slidemaster(s) aren't applying properly. In 2003, it was really simple to go to format, slide layout, reapply formatting, which is not the case here in 2007. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks - Kendra

Submitted by: Kendra Lewis


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To be honest, I wasn’t sure about the details of this question. But I’m privileged to have a lot of knowledgeable Microsoft MVPs as good friends; two of them being Geetesh Bajaj and Echo Swinford. Geetesh and Echo literally wrote the book on PowerPoint 2007. Together, they authored: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 Complete Makeover Kit. A must have for PPT users! I turned to them for the answer to this question. Geetesh explains...Slide Layouts are a different, yet related concept to Slide Masters. While you had the Title Master and Slide Master in PowerPoint 2003 and earlier versions, PowerPoint 2007 no longer includes a Title Master. Instead, the Title is one of the layouts within the Slide Master. The hierarchy works this way: the Slide Master influences the Slide Layouts, which in turn influences the Slides. Now about the Slide Layouts...apart from the Title Slide Layout, there are at least eight more readily available Slide Layouts in PowerPoint 2007. These work for Blank Slide Layout, Title Only, Picture with Caption, etc. More importantly, you can now create new layouts, which was impossible in PowerPoint 2003 and earlier versions. So you can now have a hundred Slide Layouts! Applying layouts in PPT 2007 is easy! Just right-click an empty area of the slide and choose the Layout option to see a quick gallery of all layouts available. Click the one you want. Alternatively, from the Ribbon you would click the Home tab. From within the Slides group, click the Layout button to view the same Layout gallery. Echo’s additional comments…In the new PPT-speak, a "slide master" governs a bunch of "slide layouts." So you have a slide master and then an associated title slide layout, a title and content slide layout, a section header slide layout, a two-content slide layout, and so on. The individual layouts will inherit their default settings from their parent slide master, and then you can go in and tweak the individual layouts as necessary. Here's how: 1. On the Ribbon, click the View Tab. From the Presentation Views group, click Slide Master to open Master View. 2. Choose Insert Layout from the Edit Master group. 3. A new layout appears below the slide layout you have selected. 4. If you selected the slide master (the larger master at the top of the layouts), your new slide layout will appear last on the list of layouts. There's also a Reset button in the New Slide group of the Home tab. This is like using Reapply Layout in 2003. Sometimes you have to do it twice before you see that it "took." For more help with PPT, see their web sites: and Answered by Dian D. Chapman,, with help from Geetesh Bajaj and Echo Swinford Anonymous on 2/9/2009 2:09:48 PM

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