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Small Business Accounting/Bookkeeping Software?

Hi! I'm looking for recommendations for Accounting/Bookkeeping software for small businesses. This is for tracking membership payments, conference registration payments, conference expenses and purchase of supplies. I'm looking for a simple program that does the basic bookkeeping and financial statements. Thanks!!

Submitted by: Donna


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Donna, I previously worked for a small CPA firm and we used QuickBooks as well as had our client base use QuickBooks. It is a pretty easy program to use. I would start with their free version found here: Good luck! Charity Anonymous on 4/3/2009 10:55:55 AM
Donna~ I work for a small company and we use QuickBooks. It is pretty simple to use - I would go online and do a trial to see if this is something that would fit your needs. Anonymous on 3/24/2009 12:17:30 PM
Hi Donna, I noticed that you have not received any replies to your question. Would you like me to email it to your fellow members to see if you can get some help? If so, please provide me with your contact information. Thanks. Debbie AEAP Anonymous on 2/9/2009 2:23:31 PM

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