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Creating an admin "bible

I am looking to create the ultimate admin "bible" or guide for my office. Does anyone have experience with this? Kelley

Submitted by: AEAP


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I'd definitely go with what "Annonymous" said. It's very thorough and straight to the point. And of course, there are websites as well where you can adapt information to make it suit your needs. I found that making a list of everything that you do from top to bottom; from A - Z leaves very little room for mistakes. I've written a complete set of policies and procedures since my part-time business is administrative-based. It includes everything from communicating with prospective clients, taking requests, contract negotiation, all the way to collecting on unpaid invoices and policies and procedures for handling employee conduct (if I had employees). With that said, start with making a list of everything that's done. From that, make a description and procedures for each tasks. And this could be the basis of your Admin. Bible. If you have further questions, feel free to e-mail at or call me at 323 604-2922. Rene Rivers on 8/25/2008 8:07:56 AM
I found the link below to be very helpful -- you could adopt the topics to accommodate your needs. Hope this helps. Kathy Mikell on 11/20/2007 4:59:58 PM
I took that task on several years ago. Since I was the Admin Supervisor and have been here the longest, I needed to create something that would provide step-by-step procedures for everything that we did in our department in case I fell off the face of the earth, so to speak. I started out by making a list of absolutely everything we did, from the very insignificant things, like sorting mail, to the very complex and important things, like preparing board of directors meeting documents. Then I made a template and just starting working on each item. Of course as I went along, I always thought of more things to add. This took me about 4-6 months to complete, as I worked on it during my spare time. When I was done, I went through and alphabetized every topic and made a table of contents. Then I presented it to my boss (who is the President/CEO). He was extremely impressed and asked me to share this with each member of our Senior Management Team. Feel free to email me or call me and I can share some of the documents with you. Kathy Haskett - or 719-550-6797. Anonymous on 10/11/2007 7:38:01 AM
In Joan Burge's book, "Become An Inner Circle Assistant" she outlines the following items that should be included when creating a Desk Reference Manual: Mission Statement, Organization Chart, Routines, Telephone/Voice Mail, Computer Files, Travel, Computer Equipment and Repairs. Hope this helps! Anonymous on 9/24/2007 11:55:39 AM
I would suggest that you buy Joan Burge's book "Become an Inner Circle Assistant". She mentions this in her book in the very beginning. PLus its just a really good book. Perhaps it can guide you. Joni AEAP on 8/10/2007 2:40:01 PM

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