Two part question: First, software related. Second, office politics.
Is anyone else using ACT! database?
Our office just upgraded to ACT 2008 10.0, after having used 6.0 and could no longer get technical support.
The calendar features of this software has some challenges. I, personally, have learned to adapt to its limitations, but there is still controversy in the office with other users.
The greatest challenge is getting everyone to use the software as it is designed. They don't realize the benefits. Another admin has now invited me to review Google Calendar. I am resistant to this idea because of the investment the company made in the ACT software and am not sure how to someone wanting to get me on their side to present an alternative to my boss.
Submitted by: Anonymous
To your first question, we are using ACT!, but an older version.
Jenelle Kirton on
8/26/2008 12:59:47 PM
Hi. I am actually currently working with a company who is also going through a major software change. This software pretty much holds all of the company and client information so it is important that everyone is on board in using it properly. I have suggested holding training sessions for all employees (groups or departments at a time) so they all get the chance to see how many new and more useful functions exist. Also, each group was designated a staff 'trainer' they can go to with any trouble they may have in using the new program. Having someone from their own department they feel comfortable talking to, and who can take the time to show them the ins and outs of the program has proven very helpful. It still took some time, but overall they are getting a lot less resistance from the staff. I found that it was just a matter of calming their fears of the unknown and making them more comfortable with the new program.
Jenelle Kirton on
8/26/2008 12:58:33 PM