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Office Beverage Services

Our office currently uses a beverage service to maintain our inventory of coffee, soft drinks and related supplies. We moved to this method after having an employee do shopping all over town for the best price, which seemed inefficient. Beverage service vendors are limited, with respect to a number to choose from to get competitive rates. What solution do others use in their office to keep the economics of providing this type of benefit to employees and guests?

Submitted by: Anonymous


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I think shopping online is probably your best choice in this situation. Having someone shop out items in personal wastes time and gas (very expensive right now). I'm not sure where you're located, but I've heard great things about Dr Soda ( If your office has a Costco membership you could also check out their "Break Room" section on Anonymous on 4/21/2008 11:02:06 AM
Go to I found our vendor (one I had never heard of) through this website and I very happy with their service. The website allows you to submit your company and then vendors contact you with their services/prices. It was very convenient Anonymous on 4/21/2008 11:01:41 AM
It seems to me that somebody is working way too hard taking care of an informal office perk. Whoever volunteers to run this office snack service should have the latitude to select where he or she gets supplies to keep the service going. If the costs go up, so should the prices or contributions. In today's highly competitive economy, especially with discretionary expenses like vending machine services, there can't be that much difference in cost between vendors. Selection will boil down to service. If income supports it, go with the best service provider. If keeping costs down is the principal factor, buy a Sam's Club or COSTCO membership and use it to buy the cakes, cookies, and coffee. Buying the stuff in bulk will always be cheaper than buying it retail at a local grocery store. And always buy brand name coffee. Anonymous on 4/21/2008 11:01:17 AM
The company I am with at this time charges employees for beverages (coffee, tea, hot chocolate.) Employees are given the option of joining the "Coffee Club" for $4 monthly which allows unlimited coffee, or for those that don't drink very often the fee is $.25 per cup using the honor system. A small money box is located near the coffee with a sign to remind everyone that we do use the honor system. In December, coffee is free! Claudia Hodges on 4/21/2008 7:25:25 AM
I've run a few very profitable snack bars. With the exception of VIPS and guests, coffee was never free. If company leaders want to provide that benefit - good for them. Paying for a service is just that... paying for their labor and materials. Its always cheaper to buy at SAMS or Costco, and possibly lease or purchase coffee makers, and beverage dispensers. Find a source and stick with it. Having someone run all over town looking for the best deal is inefficient, however, buying in bulk will save dollars in the long run. Some beverage companies such as Coke, Pepsi and others will let others use their beverage dispensers so long as their product is purchased, not a bad deal, and can be lucrative. You may also be able to purchase through a restaurant or food distributor and also save money. The more your company does for itself, the less it spends which impacts the bottom line. Wrenae on 4/18/2008 2:19:51 PM
Our Finance Dept contracted with NECCO Coffee Company (out of Kansas City MO) and they provide a machine on each floor of our building that offers several selections: Decaf, Black coffee, Light coffee, Hot Water, Cappuccino, Cafe Mocha, French Vanilla and Hot Chocolate with milk. Our individual department purchases tea bags as we have many tea drinkers. And our break room has a vending machine where we can purchase carbonated beverages. The only drawback to the coffee machine is that we have to have a staff member open up the machine each day and dump the grounds and re-stock the product. The Coffee Company does deliver the product tho and service the machine as needed. Julie Minegar Stasi on 4/18/2008 1:15:24 PM
We order in bulk from Costco and store the extra in a store room. AEAP on 4/18/2008 1:03:49 PM

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