Can everyone tell me how your exec does dictation and how you take care of it? I previously worked for an exec who verbally dictated his letters to me and I am no longer at this company.
Submitted by: Lisa Vasquez
Hi Lisa,
I've been taking dictated in my office for 13 years and haven't had various styles such as when I first came to this department I used a recorder and dictated that way but found out later that I didn't have to type up every word spoken. So, now I just take notes by hand and get the important stuff down. Now, if more than one person is talking you will have to say, please repeat or just have your supervisor review your notes for more clarity. Truthfully, there is no easy way to do it unless you know shorthand.
Faye Lattimore on
7/9/2008 12:53:01 PM
My boss dictates on a daily basis into a miniature tape recorder and I type the dictation from a dictaphone tape player.
Michelle Hardiman on
5/21/2008 9:41:23 AM
Hi Lisa,
There are several ways that dictation and transcription can be handled today and there are a few software programs that do a wonderful job. I happen to use Express Scribe and Express Dictate from NCH Swift Sound in my virtual assistant business. Basically what happens is your boss can dictate on their computer, or on a mp3/mp4 player, from a podcast, .mov files, etc. and sends you the file through the Express program or through email, pando, etc. and you in turn upload it into the express dictate program, or even run it through Realplayer or whatever your default window player happens to be. Once you finish with your transcription you send it back to your boss for review. If you would like more information please contact me at
Sue Rogers (The Ease Your Workload Expert)
Rogers Executive Administrative Services
Susan Rogers on
5/9/2008 8:59:41 AM