At our company we give away ten trips each year to our employees and we were wondering if anyone has a sample waiver available that they could send me that wouldn't hold the company liable for any accidents, etc. that would happen when the employee is on their trip. Thank you.
Submitted by: Sandy W
I have something we've used in the past. If you forward your e-mail address I'll forward same to you.
Nancy Gargiulo on
5/7/2008 1:56:40 PM
I have a waiver that we use for our Worksite Wellness Program that I attempted to copy into this reply, but it had too many characters. If you'd like to send me your e-mail address, I'd be happy to e-mail it to you.
Phyl Brown on
5/7/2008 1:52:07 PM
If these trips are rewards or incentives, you might consider getting a gift certifiate to a local travel agency rather than the company planning the travel. That way the employee can schedule their own travel and the trip becomes their responsibility, removing any liability from your company.
Lisa Porria on
5/7/2008 1:46:51 PM