Our travelers run on a per diem system and with the ever changing airline industry we now have to deal with the second and first baggage charges. Small skycap fees had always been considered part of tips or gratuities of the per diem, but the extra expense of the baggage fee can on some airlines could eat up the whole days reimbursement. How are you currently handling it for 2008 and more importantly how are you budgeting it for 2009? Any advice would be appreciated. Robin
Submitted by: Robin Lewis
We go strictly by what is allowed per the IRS rules. See the GSA info at: http://www.gsa.gov/Portal/gsa/ep/contentView.do?contentId=17943&contentType=GSA_BASIC
Anonymous on
9/29/2008 7:43:31 AM
Our organization factors the current cost of extra baggage fees and skycap fees into the cost of traveling. Per diem is given to cover the cost of meals, therefore it's their's to spend during the duration of the trip at $50 per day of the trip.
Rene Rivers on
9/19/2008 8:00:49 AM
The baggage fees should be considered part of the airline travel cost, as any taxes or other fees. They are now a cost of traveling.
Donna Chizek on
9/18/2008 8:31:36 AM
My Company deals with a per diem based system as well. We are currently charging the baggage fees to the cost of the ticket. We don't consider that part of the per diem expenses.
Andrea Ryba on
9/18/2008 7:56:38 AM