We are proud to present the Western Canada 24 Hour Microsoft Office Boot Camp in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada with trainers Gini Courter and Joanne Swenrude. Here´s why you should register for this Boot Camp!
Joyce and Hilary have been able to book Gini Courter and Joanne Swenrude to present their 24 Hour Microsft Boot Camp in Edmonton, Alberta Canada, and we wanted to invite AEAP members to this event.
As Admins now have such a wide variety of tasks and duties, we tend to overlook the need for top-notch training on new software, systems, and processes that will help us exceed. To this end, we have arranged this Boot Camp, so that you can receive this essential, top-notch training.
With each new edition of software, new processes are added, others are deleted or upgraded, and the previous way of creating business documents and completing tasks has changed. You need to learn from the best, instead of struggling on your own. MS Office is much more advanced than it originally was, and you need to be the expert on hand! This Boot Camp will immerse you in `hidden´ tricks and processes that one can only learn at events that offer intense, knowledge-based training. You will learn to use MS Office 2010 in ways you never imagined! You will delve into MS Office to extract the deepest secrets of Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint (with a little bit of SharePoint, InfoPath, and Access for good measure). You will learn to maximize the use of this technology in your office. Upon completion, you will have the knowledge, skills, and new ideas that will help solve the technical and business problems that challenge each of us. Plus, you will develop a network of resources you can draw from for help.
We call it "Boot Camp" for a reason?we train non-stop from dawn to dusk. The registration fee covers training, materials, and meals (plus snacks), thus making this one of the most affordable employee development seminars you will find. In addition, if you are a Certified (CAP/CAP-OM) Administrative Assistant, you will receive ?24 Recertification Points?. If you are at all interested in this fabulous training and an opportunity to visit Canada, please email us at MSBootCamp@shaw.ca and we will forward you more information. Early Bird Price is only $700!
Submitted by: Hilary A.
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