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Help! Office Policies

I work for a municipality and our new insurance carrier is requiring us to add additional office policies to the ones we currently have. I'm looking for written policies on Internet Usage and Offensive Behavior. We're a small to mid size municipality(population appx. 16,000) and some of the larger cities have policies that are really huge. If anyone uses any policies similar to these but kind of simple in form, I'd appreciate any assistance or information. Please email me at

Submitted by: Sandra Clair-Ball


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Sorry about the format of the previous post. Where the "?" are, the items are bullets. Deborah Pelham, CAP-OM on 2/12/2008 12:51:47 PM
Below is the current policy we use. Each team member is required to sign the statement upon employment. Internet Usage Policy-READ BEFORE SIGNING YOUR COMPANY, provides Internet access to employees for firm business use. Minimal personal use will not be restricted, but is subject to normal professional standards. The policies listed below are a guide to help employees determine proper business Internet usage. If a questionable situation arises, please contact a director for clarification. YOUR COMPANY, reserves the right to modify the following policies at any time. ? E-mail and file transfers are to be primarily for business use only by authorized users. ? The firm has the right to access and read all email messages transmitted through the firm’s email system. ? Use of another employee’s account or access to their personal files without their consent is strictly prohibited. ? The firm's network administrator must approve all downloaded applications before being installed on the network. ? Transmission of harassing, discriminatory or otherwise objectionable E-mail or files (as determined by the recipient) is strictly prohibited. ? Disruptive behavior such as introducing viruses or intentionally destroying or modifying files on the network is strictly prohibited. ? Any personal use of the network for commercial or illegal activity is strictly prohibited. ? Internet facilities and computing resources must not be used knowingly to violate the laws and regulations of the United States or any other nation, or the laws and regulations of any state, city, province or other local jurisdiction in any material way. Use of any company resources for illegal activity is grounds for immediate dismissal, and we will cooperate with any legitimate law enforcement activity. ? Game playing is strictly prohibited. I have carefully read the Internet Usage Policy for YOUR COMPANY. I understand and agree to adhere to the firm’s guidelines. I understand any violation of the policies will result in loss of access privileges and disciplinary action up to and including termination. Signature: ____________________________ Date: _____________ Deborah Pelham, CAP-OM on 2/12/2008 12:50:59 PM
Our city has policies concerning internet usage and offensive behavior. Please visit our website at Go to the City Manager's page and click under "quick links" Administrative Policies and Procedures. I would suggest looking at PER-6 and PER-10 (under Personnel) and IT-5 and IT-6 (Information Technology). Any problems or questions, contact me at Hopefully this informaiton will be helpful to you. Anonymous on 2/12/2008 12:34:47 PM

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