I work as an executive assistant, environment division of a philanthropic foundation and I need help setting some work goals. Any suggestions?
Submitted by: Joaquin Mercado
Good morning, I suggest that you refresh yourself on the mission of the organization, find out the goals of the environment division, and the goals of your boss. With that discovery you can then set your goals that will work in correlation with each entity.
Janice Minnis on
2/7/2017 6:42:53 AM
Hi Joaquin,
I do not have enough information to help you with this.
What does your boss expect of you?
What kind of a working relationship do you have with him/her?
My goal has been to learn my boss better and slowly take things off of his plate. He is used to working independently so I had to request that we sit down once a week or so and go over what his priorities are for that next week and specifically take things off of his plate of him.
Are you asking this question for your own benefit or because you were asked to bring a few goals to your boss as part of an evaluation? That will also determine the type of answers you want to put down.
What are your current responsibilities and where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I would like to take over the Director of Operations positions at the independent school I work at when the current DoO retires in about 4 years. Because that is where I want to head I am thinking about what steps I can take now as part of my job to make myself more marketable for that job. I already do very similar tasks to what he does so a goal for me to develop my skills in those areas so that I am an expert when the time comes in interview for the job.
I look forward to hearing your answers to these questions so I can give you a better answer.
Karen Zacca on
2/6/2017 12:54:42 PM