I just have to write and say how much I enjoy your organization, website, and specifically your newsletter. It never fails for me to read about something that is happening at my career home or there is something pertinent that I can share with a co-worker. I am always amazed to read so many other articles of extreme interest and I wanted to thank you for that. Please keep up the wonderful efforts of your staff and your contributors and know that The AEAP newsletter is a fantastic resource to many people. Leslie Ashley
- Was just called on to proofread a newsletter for the newly installed president of a professional association (much like AEAP). When the question of proper comma usage arose, I was able to site the information in this issue of the Executary to support my suggested edits. This is just one of the many ways my membership is beneficial to me and makes AEAP a continuing valuable resource on the job. Lorraine B. Williams
- I just want to say that I really enjoy being a member of your organization. I keep the newsletters in my file at the office and review them occasionally. I especially like the computer tips. There is a lot of good information in them. Thanks! Ann Pendleton
- I just completed reading the April newsletter – ONE OF THE BEST YET!! It seemed like everything in there applied to me, if not now – it applied in the past. It made me see how I should have handled some of the situations I have encountered through the years and made me take a look at how I should handle future situations. Thanks again for your great newsletter. Marge Calvert
- I have had such an overwhelming response to my request and appreciate everyone’s willingness to reply. I am sending this thank you to all of you and will be touching base with some of you in the near future. Thanks for being there when a member is in need! Dee Vitale
- I was overwhelmed with wonderful responses from that e-mail and from one I sent later regarding our new information kiosk. We got a lot of great suggestions and ideas and even used several. I sincerely appreciate everything AEAP has done for me professionally. You all make my job easier! Kelly Lee Brosky