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Worklife Balance
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High Level Complex PowerPoint Presentations Have you ever used Microsoft's Business website? They offer free tutorials on any type and year of Microsoft programs. You can pick and choose as well. I use the site frequently if I am experiencing any difficulty with creation of and the editing of. Another thought, if you can access one of those presentations that has already been designed and can have permission to edit (I suggest they offer you a copy :), then you can move around in the document and see how they did what they did. Good luck and happy creating! Kelly Dodson 3/1/2013 4:08:01 PM1
Help with Visio - Team Frames in an Org Chart I'm working on an org chart in Visio, and I'm using the "team frame" function to outline the different teams. I don't want arrows on the ends of the lines, I just want straight lines but I can't seem to change it using the "format line" function. Any ideas? 11/20/2012 10:03:09 AM2
Credit Card for an Executive Assistant I am wondering if any Executive Assistant out there has a credit card for business use. I report to the President/CEO and often have the need to purchase small items/supplies. I have a copy of his card, but not my own. I need to borrow the CFO's card (female) to make these purchases or use my cash and be reimbursed via petty cash which is very bothersome. Alice 9/11/2012 12:40:37 PM34
How do you establish how to manage your new bosses calendar? I have only managed three calendars for three executives. The first two have been so long ago, that I cannot recall how we got "up and running". The second one, that was about three years ago just spoon fed so to speak. If I was unsure of a meeting request, then I asked her and she told me if she needed to attend. I'd like to get some feedback from those of you who have a set system for how you learn to get "up and running" with a new boss with respect to his or her calendar. Also, is it acceptable at times after we get used to managing the calendar to still need feedback from them? Any and all feedback is welcome. Thank you! Anonymous 5/24/2012 11:21:43 PM4
Budget My jog responsabilities are changing a bit. As part of a growing experience I have been asked to get involved with handling the department budget. This is something I have never done so I am wondering if anyone knows of some good seminars/training? Thank you Martha Rivas 8/19/2011 2:14:39 PM4
RE: Outlook Your IT dept can not figure it out because it can not be done. Only one calendar can be used on a blackberry - at least according my IT dept when I got my BB Julie Arnheim 8/19/2011 1:08:08 PM0
Importing Outlook Calendar I need help from my fellow EA's. I just received a Blackberry and would like to view my boss' calendar. It is a shared feature on my Outlook, but, unfortunately, IT cannot figure out how to import his calendar into mine so that I can view his appointments on the Blackberry. I know there has to be some way to even maybe 'copy' his appointments into my calendar for viewing on the Blackberry. Does anyone know how to do this with a minimum amount of time spent? Thanks in advance! Alice 8/17/2011 11:37:33 AM6
Business vs. Personal in the Office In terms of selling your Pampered Chef in the office, simple give individuals in the office a personal card stating that you've "placed a catalog in the breakroom....should you see something of interest please give me a call (use your home or personal cell number here)." This way, you did not use company email, you did not use company paper, you provided your personal phone number for orders and it took all but a couple of seconds to drop the personal card on their desk or chair (go in early for this and there you have're not on company time! I hope this helps! Best... Deeya Tauzin Ray 10/8/2010 10:04:36 AM1
Sharing Pampered Chef at the office without breaking any rules Hello, I recently started selling Pampered Chef to help make ends meet. Our company does not have a policy against selling things like this in the office, but I dont want to drown everyone in Pampered Chef sales promo's either. Does anyone have any ideas how I can let people know - or remind them that I do sell this and would love their business? I have put a catalog in the breakroom but no one really responded to it. I don't want to do anything that would make the company develop a policy against selling either so I am trying to be careful what I do. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Melissa Helms 10/8/2010 7:57:16 AM8
Mission Statement for Administrative Assistants I have been asked to start facilitating Administrative Meetings and my first assignment from my boss was to come up with a mission statement. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to coordinate doing this and can someone give me some pointers /examples that I could use? Thanks very much! Vivian Vivian 8/13/2009 11:21:07 AM7
Work Sharing Due to a medical condition, I will be reducing my work-week hours, and my full-time position will be changed to a "work share" position. Other than the obvious need to be compatible and division of duties, does anyone out there have any pointers for me. Thanks! Rebecca Harrington 8/12/2009 2:28:30 PM3
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